This Asbestos Awareness eLearning course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge to recognise and manage the risks posed by asbestos in the workplace. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), asbestos exposure is the leading cause of work-related deaths in Great Britain, with around 5,000 people dying each year from asbestos-related diseases. These illnesses, including lung disease and cancers like mesothelioma, take decades to develop and have no cure.
Asbestos presents a low risk when left undisturbed and in good condition, but when asbestos-containing materials are damaged or disturbed, dangerous fibres can be released into the air. These fibres are invisible, odourless, and cannot be felt, making them particularly hazardous as they can be unknowingly inhaled. Once inhaled, asbestos fibres can lead to life-threatening diseases.
Throughout this course, you will learn where asbestos is commonly found, the dangers it poses, and the actions you and your employer must take to prevent exposure. You will also explore the UK legal responsibilities under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, understand how to identify potential asbestos hazards, and discover best practices for reducing the risk of exposure.
By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to manage asbestos risks effectively, ensuring the safety of yourself, your colleagues, and your workplace.
Course Aim
To enable individuals to understand best practice when working with or managing the risks from Asbestos.